There are 4 weapon categories in Hexen II Exactly what that sounds like. Attack for free, no ammo required. And in Hexen II, these are absolutely indispensable. Especially since we are playing on the hardest difficulty, where mana resources are quite scarce. There is not enough mana in the game to kill everything using other weapons, - furthermore, a lot of times other weapons will be inefficient or more dangerous in their simplistic point-and-shoot usage. Unlike what you might remember from the first Hexen game - free weapons, (and melee weapons in general) - are used in a completely different way. Here, they are only used in specific situations. And such situations arise when you successfully trap an enemy in a way that he (or it) - cannot reach you, while you can most certainly reach and destroy him. And if you know how to do it, - then this is going to happen every two minutes. About half of the enemies you encounter in the entire game - you should be killing exactly in this way. Most enemies in Hexen II actively chase you, when they spot you. And with most of them - this allows you to lead them to specific spots in the level. Namely - lead, then ambush and attack enemies while hiding behind a corner, or a door, or other similar cover; effectively using such cover like a tower-shield. Also, with the bigger creatures - leading them toward places which they cannot pass, and then attacking scott-free. The corner- ambush is a tactic perfect for using the free weapons, especially the close-quarter kind. And you should use it as much as you can, until the end of the game - or die repeatedly and then rage-quit with tail between legs... Trapping enemies (and then killing them) is about 40-50% of the combat in the game, as deciding to duke it out spell-to-spell, - is far not always advisable, (mildly put) even if you have the ammo and the guns. Certain enemies cannot be trapped, - or can get out of your trap, - so you're going to either re-trap, if possible - or adjust your tactics accordingly. Attacking with your "free weapon" while trapping - is the most prevalent tactic in the game, - and has to be mastered. Category 3: Green Mana Weapons (use green mana)
Mana weapons are ranged for all characters, and fortunately ======================================================
Now, let's delve into the characters' weapons in detail.
THE HAMMER (Crusader) -
the most powerful free weapon, THE GAUNTLETS (Paladin) - Gauntlets are weaker, and have shorter range than the Crusader's Hammer, yet they are slightly faster. And since we will be using those mostly for attacking from cover and corner-ambushing, they should get the job done. Just watch it when fending off Black Spiders. Rating: 3
(Assassin) - weaker indeed in the melee
category, but will get you by, when applied properly. Its low damage may make it for some enemies
possible to escape your setup and counter-attack.
Rating: 2
BLOODFIRE (Demoness) - a free RANGED weapon! In the world of Hexen II - this is almost like cheating! Hands down, a free ranged weapon, even with limited power and a short range is still so versatile, that you will pretty much use it all the time. It is fast, accurate and it gives you space to maneuver. Nothing in the Demoness' arsenal even comes close. Rating: 10
====================================================== Blue Mana Weapons
(Crusader) - this is Hexen II version of the
Frost Shards.
CROSSBOW (Assassin)
- a very reasonable weapon for the first episode, yet it scales down to
the extreme, and already by the 2nd hub - the Assassin will struggle
and pay a very high mana price in hopeless attempts to kill anything at
all. Rating: 2 VORPAL SWORD (Paladin) - definitely the best melee weapon, and while its powerful strikes are rather costly, but it is within reason. The weapon is permanent (meaning it does not scale down with the progress of the game), - so it does preserve it's potency. Yet being a melee weapon means that you will often have to do some tricky attack sorties : hit-n-run tactics with split second timing, cause trading blows on highest difficulty in Hexen2 is a definite practice timing enemies every chance. There will be times when you can't trap and corner-ambush an enemy, so hit-and-run tactics are your go-to move. This is going to happen with certain Knight Archers. Cover, pop for a quick hit - and back to cover. With practice you can also do a timed stop-n-go zigzag between Archer's shots to close the distance, when there is no suitable cover close by. Just keep in mind, that the Archers can time you as well.... Learn exactly when to begin your dashes as they draw the bow. One dash per shot. Don't try to go all the way in one dash - since your goal is to make the Archer re-aim, reset his attack mode every time, - and ultimately hit him as he lowers the bow. He will reset his attacks if you pause between dashes. Rating: 6. |
MISSILE (Necromancer) - a permanent 2nd
weapon and a reliable one to use throughout the game. Its projectiles are
(Demoness) - a weapon which pales in
comparison to anything else that is powered by blue mana. It serves as
some kind of a travesty of the legendary Serpent Staff of Hexen-1. Unlike
the said staff though, Acid Rune is very weak AND it scales-down
severely...and despite al that, it will have to serve you somehow in the
first episode, since albeit extremely wasteful, the Rune is still somewhat
stronger than the Bloodfire spell. Powered-up mode produces a bigger projectile, which mostly eats up more mana without much attack value for it, at least on that difficulty. Rating: 1 ====================================================== |
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Green Mana Weapons
DOUBLE-BLADED AXE (Paladin) - The Axe is not
in any way stronger than the Vorpal Sword, - while its shots are half the
cost. However, it is more expensive in
terms of damage-per-mana, so it requires consideration when should you use
it. The Axe launches forward a blade-like projectile that can ricochet of
walls and other solid surfaces. And those ricochet hits are the weapon's
main strength. Choosing a right place to fight with this weapon - will
enable you to score double-damage (and sometimes even triple damage )
hits. And this is the way this weapon should be used.
Fighting close to walls, and especially on
the stairs will take advantage of the
ricochet effect. Otherwise, - aim not at the creatures, but at the floor
in front of them, to have some kind of damage boost and prevent enemies
from sidestepping your attacks. Using the Axe merely because it has
projectiles (foregoing double-damage hits) - is the most wasteful and
inefficient approach. |
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STAFF (Crusader) - this, my friends, is THE
Rocket Launcher. Plain and simple. And it will work not unlike any other
FPS rocket-launcher, and just as great as it did in Quake-1 (and 2). This
is the best green-mana-weapon in the game, and at times you will indeed
have to decide whether to go with it or to take the Lightbringer.
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(Assassin) - this is the trickiest weapon to
use, of all 5 characters, due to its rather odd throwing trajectory and
some awkward mechanics. It will take practice to wield this one with any positive effect. That part, however, you will have to master. As once you hit the 2nd hub, your crossbow will instantly become useless and the grenades will more often than not stand between you and death. That being said, grenades are very powerful, and their tomed-up mode is even more destructive (adds further fragmentation/splash damage). Once you manage to get the hang of hitting your targets, it will actually become quite fun. Fortunately, you won't have to do it for very long, since in the very same episode you gain access to her Ultimate Weapon, which will pretty much make all other weapons obsolete. Rating: 1 |
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SHARDS (Necromancer) - a very powerful
spell. A direct rapid-firing projectile weapon that is, however - only effective at short
range. Think double melee range or shorter. Once the target starts to
distance itself, the weapon loses its power completely. Firing this weapon
is insanely expensive:
remember Aliens' pulse rifle rounds scene? Well, this one goes through
them 10 times faster... So attack exclusively in touch-short bursts. Full
auto also decreases accuracy. The powered mode sends blasts of a single projectile instead of a rapid stream, and it is the right tool to make enemies disappear. Plan your shots carefully, with this mode: as each trigger pull costs 20 green mana points. The power of this mode, however, will prove irreplaceable in the final 2 episodes - as THIS is your ultimate weapon, not the birdie-looking toy you get in Mazaera... Rating: 7
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FIRE RUNE (Demoness) - the lamest knock-off possible of the Hexen-1 Cleric's Firestorm. And it is both extremely weak and ridiculously expensive mana-wise. This applies to all Demoness' weaponry, but as for the Fire Rune, - unfortunately you WILL have to use it, because by any means necessary you have to get to the Tempest Staff. Yes, you will use both of her mana-based weapons with little effect and shed bloody tears as you do. You will be put in a number of very dangerous situations while at it, and yet as it was written in Hexen "you cannot let anything keep you from your fate, even if you might come to wish that it would".
though, whatever it takes, all the items and artifacts will have to carry
you through the fierce land of the Werejaguars - to the coveted Tempest
Staff. Then, and only then - the tables will turn. ======================================================
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The Ultimate Weapons LIGHTBRINGER (Crusader) - a reasonably powered weapon, if only a tad resource-hungry. Generates a direct constant ray of light, which burns enemies (Hexen-2 laser gun). It has some strategic use, since the beam can be reflected off solid surfaces, redirecting it accordingly. Like a crude version of the curved shots in "Wanted". Experimenting with such trajectories can be very costly, and on highest difficulties mana-based experiments can be more detrimental to you, than the other way around. It also loses some power when you hit your targets not directly. Still, as the game progresses, you will be more and more gravitating towards Lightbringer than any other mana-based weapon.
up version generates more light rays, but is way too costly to
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PURIFIER (Paladin) - think of it as a kind of
a medieval-machine-gun type
of weapon, which eats mana in entire blocks, while not giving you nearly
enough bang for the buck. The Purifier is rather weak, and its only merit
is that it is fast enough to fight several opponents at the same time. Or
- for dealing damage faster. All Paladin's weapons deliver damage very
slowly, a fact which in the final two episodes - will get you killed.
Thus, you will be using it on a good number of occasions just because it
is faster than what you otherwise have. Killing anything but the basic
critters - will make you feel like being swindled by the game - as such
ventures will literally rob you of mana. But, if you played the game
correctly until that point - you should have enough resources to support
this ultra-capricious puppy. Powered up, the Purifier fires something akin to a rocket, which is also supposed to track its target. Emphasis is on the "supposed to".... Plus, both the cost and damage output also make it completely irrelevant in battle. Rating: 3 |
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STAFF (Necromancer) - this weapon is a
complete and utter disappointment in the realm of Hexen II. It is some kind of
parody which stands between Hexen-1 Bloodscourge and Wraithverge. Except
that if two of the above were downright devastating, the Raven Staff,
alas, is anything but.
Powered-up mode unleashes an attack similar to Wraithverge, only with
ravens instead of ghosts. And once again, it is both more costly and way |
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TEMPEST STAFF (Demoness) - finally, we
are talking some serious firepower! This weapon is quite an ammo hog, make
no mistake; but it is invaluable for the Demoness, and you WILL be using it
a lot. Because it is the only mana-based weapon that you will be using
after getting your hands on it!
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STAFF (Assassin) - this weapon is
ridiculously...POWERFUL! |
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