
I've been very busy with the mod's development, but in doing so - neglected my own website. Apologies for that. It's time i correct this mistake. I have already updated all the necessary pages for Legend 9 and those of Doom-3-Bravo (ver4.2) will be coming shortly. The are tons of changes and enhancements in this mod, so i got my work cut out for me. Also, i fixed the glitching Hexen II page.

Now, on the subject of news. Have to be brief, as there is a lot of work. Legend-9 is speeding toward its goal of becoming the ultimate Hexen remake; and on its way it is only getting more and more impressive. My inspiration for pushing it into those insane upgrades is actually a Doom mod: KdiZD. This mod is very similar to Legend-9, and i treat it affectionately as a friendly rival. All the better.

Wrath of Magic: Farewell Edition - is CANCELED. Sorry to disappoint you folks, i know that a lot of fans had high hopes for this mod. And frankly so did it at some point in time. But as i was working on Legend-9, i realized how far i have come design-wise, and to achieve the same result with Heretic - would take a lifetime. Sorry. Let someone else resurrect this one. Time to abandon ship.

I am also working on a big update for Doom-3-Bravo. Its version 4.2 is already very impressive (and i'd not shy away from saying it is damn flawless, as far as sound design goes), but there are other problems, which i am correcting as we speak. I'll provide more info in the Doom-3 section and enable the relevant files for download as soon as possible.

The Cleric Mod DLC for Legend-9 has also been made, with some neat enhancements as well, and it is designed specifically for Legend-9. I will upload it as well and update the relevant pages promptly.

Cleric Mod DLC for Legend-9, Doom-3-Bravo 4.2 - are also available for download at Moddb website, while i fix things over here. Sorry for all the mess, but sometimes life doesn't leave you with too many options.

P.S. Quake 2: Heavy Metal - is on my update list as well, but that will have to wait its turn... And Deathkings remake is NOT canceled. Don't worry :-)



Ladies & Gentlemen - it looks like we're up for another mod, and this one is for.......QUAKE II!!! Now i've got a Quake II section right here at HMT. Yes, Quake II always was one of my top 3 favorite games of all time, and i enjoy it (and its mission packs  without a doubt) immensely. Despite that, i always had my share of frustration with its graphics and sound effects: software was too bland, OpenGL was too soapy, with a "plastic bag over monitor" effect - while the guns sounded like falling peas. Nonetheless, the gameplay was just too good.

Until one day, i have discovered a graphics renderer that seems like it has been tailor-made for me! It was a software based 8-bit, with colored lighting. I was beyond excited. Suddenly, the game came alive with all of its rusted Mad-Max-in-space colors, ominous lights and dystopian machinery. Atmosphere of the game instantly skyrocketed to 10 out of 10 for me. And yes - of course i brought it here to HMT and put it in the downloads section :-)

This episode immediately gave me a ton of inspiration to make an effort and solve the other great problem of Quake II: sound FX . And thus, "Quake II: Heavy Metal" mod - was born.